Craniocerebral neurosurgery at St. Constantine’s Hospital

Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that deals with the pathology of the nervous system, and can be distinguished between spinal neurosurgery (spine) and craniocerebral neurosurgery.

The neurosurgery department of St. Constantine’s Hospital offers patients minimally invasive or classic treatments for all vertebral and craniocerebral pathology , including complex, oncological cases , which usually involve a multidisciplinary team approach. The endowment of the operating room dedicated to neurosurgery is at the highest professional standards in the field, being complemented by the strict policy of infection prevention and the application of sterility and cleanliness rules by which St. Constantine Hospital has repeatedly distinguished itself nationally and internationally. St. Constantine’s Hospital also has a state-of-the-art medical radiology-imaging department.for performing CT, MRI, Rx investigations (under contract with CAS ), thus providing the necessary framework for a correct and complete diagnosis of diseases in the field of neurosurgery.


  • Subdural empyema evacuation at the cranial level
  • Evacuation of brain abscess under neuronavigation, minimally invasive
  • Epidural abscess evacuation
  • Disco-vertebral biopsy puncture for radiologically guided spondylitis


  • Cranioplasty with FINCERAMICA Custombone and PEEK Customized Implant
  • Cement cranioplasty for small bone defects with or without plates and screws
  • Cranioplasty with titanium mesh


  • Extradural hematoma evacuation
  • Evacuation of acute or chronic subdural hematomas
  • Evacuation of intracerebral and intracerebral hematomas
  • Lysis of deep intraparenchymal hematomas without classical surgical indication


  • Ablation of extra-axial (meningiomas and metastases) and intraaxial (gliomas, metastases) tumors under neuronavigation and operating microscope, brain and cerebellum


  • Lipoma ablation and sebaceous cysts scalp and paravertebral skin under local anesthesia


  • Implementation of intracranial pressure monitoring systems in traumatology and cerebrovascular pathologies
  • Evacuation of hematomas and decompressive craniectomies with or without treatment of brain damage
  • reconstruction


  • Sylvian ischemic stroke craniectomy Sylvian
  • Craniectomy for post-traumatic cerebral edema and venous thrombosis
  • Posterior cerebral fossa craniectomy for ischemic cerebrovascular pathology

Sursa: Spitalul Sf. Constantin, bloglink articol>>

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