NATIONAL MEDICAL PREMIERE in Angiomedica Cardiovascular Diseases Hospital: rare tumor completely removed by surgery of very high complexity

Bucharest, November 4, 2021: The life of a 71-year-old patient was saved by performing a very complex surgery. The patient was diagnosed with endovascular leiomyosarcoma – a type of cancer found in less than 5% of the world’s population. The giant tumor (30 cm long with a diameter of 10 cm) that had invaded almost half of the patient’s peripheral circulatory system, was completely removed from his veins after 7 hours. The operation was performed by the medical team of the Private Hospital for Cardiovascular Diseases Angiomedica – a center of medical excellence dedicated entirely to patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Leiomyosarcoma is an aggressive tumor that attacks smooth muscle tissue and is relatively common in the stomach, ovaries, uterus and extremely rarely in the veins. Up to 5% of such cases are known worldwide, and the success rate is low, as this type of cancer is often detected in advanced stages. In the case of the 71-year-old patient, the malignant tumor was located at the level of a vein in his right leg, which aggressively spread to another five, endangering his life.

„The challenge of this medical case was the total removal of the tumor inside the affected veins, which requires extremely high meticulousness and also the subsequent restoration of the peripheral circulatory system. After 7 hours of intense work, we managed this, and now our patient is recovering, walking and feeling very well. ” said Prof. Dr. Mircea Pătruț – primary doctor of vascular and cardiovascular surgery and coordinator of the medical intervention team.

The patient, of Romanian citizenship, is an engineer by profession who has settled in the USA for more than 30 years. He was diagnosed with this type of cancer 3 years ago but localized on the external tissue of the veins, also managing with the help of Prof. Dr. Pătruț, to go into remission. His case was also in the attention of doctors in the USA, who refused to operate on him due to its complexity, proposing him as an alternative to enroll in a phase I research study.

The medical team that performed the intervention consisted of: the doctor coordinating the intervention Prof. Univ. Dr. Mircea Pătruț – primary physician Vascular and cardiovascular surgery, Prof. Dr. Vasile Grosu, primary physician ATI and Dr. Victor Prisăcari, specialist in cardiovascular surgery.

About Angiomedica Private Cardiovascular Disease Hospital
Established in 2016, Angiomedica Cardiovascular Disease Hospital is the first private diagnostic center to offer examination, minimally invasive treatment and monitoring to patients with cardiovascular disease both in Bucharest and in the country and abroad. It is a medical institution specializing in clinical cardiology, hybrid techniques, endovascular procedures, minimally invasive cardiovascular surgery, arrhythmology and electrophysiology. The medical services are outpatient, day hospitalization and continuous (min. 24 hours) in salons with a high degree of comfort and hygiene.

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