6TH CONGRESS OF THE MIDDLE EAST SPINE SOCIETY – 23-25 September 2022, Istanbul, Turkey

It is a great pleasure to invite you the “6th Congress of the Middle East Spine Society” which will be in Istanbul between September 23-25, 2022.

On 22nd September, we planned two pre meeting courses as “Correction Techniques for Spinal Deformities” and “Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery”. Both of these courses will have limited participants.

In “Correction Techniques for Spinal Deformities” course the participants will learn the techniques from the experts and practice correction maneuvers on 3D saw-bones. “Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery” course will have live surgeries and didactic lectures. Premeeting courses will be held in Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital, Istanbul.

For more information see the official site >>

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