AOTrauma Europe Masters Courses 2016


Münster, Germany—February 26–27, 2016
Periprosthetic Fractures with Anatomical Specimensunnamed (1)

This course is aimed at experienced surgeons who wish to update and get a comprehensive overview for high-level management of periprosthetic fractures. A majority of the course content will be dedicated to practical exercises with anatomical specimen dissections. It includes open group discussions moderated by experts providing an overview of current subject knowledge. Personal experiences will be expressed and treatment methods for particular problems presented and discussed.

The course fee is EUR 1600 and includes all course materials, lunches, coffee breaks, and course dinner.




Rome, Italy—March 18–19, 2016
Fragility Fractures and Orthogeriatricsunnamed (2)

This course is for general trauma surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, geriatricians, and medicine physicians who want to improve the surgical and medical care of patients with fragility fractures, and make their hospital’s approach to fragility fracture care better.

The course fee is EUR 400 and includes all course materials, lunches, coffee breaks, and course dinner.




Stay on the cutting edge…

AOTrauma Masters Courses teach current concepts and impart an understanding at the highest level for experienced learners in orthopedic trauma. The latest techniques in operative fracture management dealing with the most difficult orthopedic trauma problems are presented. Best evidence is provided with cases, and open group discussions are built into the course program. Participants should have many years of personal experience in orthopedic trauma surgery.

AOTrauma  Clavadelerstrasse 8, CH-7270 Davos, Switzerland

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