Premiere at SANADOR Clinical Hospital – Hybrid surgery for multiple spinal compression and severe lumbar stenosis

Article written by Dr. Dan Bentia, Primary Physician of Neurosurgery at the SANADOR Clinical Hospital.

What are spinal cords?

Our spine is made up of 33 strong bones, called vertebrae. Spinal compression occurs when the bone block or vertebral body in the spine collapses, which can lead to pain, severe spinal deformity, and loss of height. These fractures occur more frequently in the thoracic spine (middle part of the spine), especially in the lower part. While osteoporosis is the most common cause, spinal cramps can also be caused by trauma or metastases (tumors).

For people with severe osteoporosis , spinal compression can be caused by simple daily activities, such as getting out of the shower, a stronger sneeze, or lifting a light object. People with moderate osteoporosis usually need more force or trauma, such as falling or trying to lift a heavy object. Unfortunately, even people with a healthy spine can suffer from spinal cravings due to serious trauma, such as a car accident, a sports accident or a severe fall.

On the other hand, lumbar canal stenosis is the narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal, located in the lower part of the spine. As the spinal canal narrows, the pressure on the nerves that pass through it is increasing, which causes back, leg or limb weakness.

The treatment, in the case of lumbar canal stenosis , depends to a large extent on the severity of the condition. In the case of a slightly lighter form, some exercise or physical therapy can work wonders, strengthen the back muscles or improve body posture.

In case of severe symptoms, the neurosurgeon will decide what kind of intervention is needed to remove the pressure on the nerves of the spine, a successful operation for most patients.

Hybrid surgery for multiple spinal compression and severe lumbar stenosis

Recently, our patient, Mrs. M., 73 years old, was operated on after being diagnosed with severe vertebral osteoporosis and multiple vertebral pressures (4 vertebrae). The patient suffered from multiple associated diseases, such as high blood pressure, emaciation and severe anemia. Moreover, Ms. M. had been bedridden for several weeks due to pain in her lower back and right leg.

Following the consultation of the neurosurgeon, the decision was to operate on the patient. The neurosurgical operating team consisted of Dr. Dan Bentia (primary neurosurgeon) along with two other neurosurgeons, an anesthesiologist and intensive care physician, a neurosurgery nurse, and a ward nurse and nurse. anesthesia.

This hybrid intervention, performed for the first time at the SANADOR hospital, consisted in reducing the pressure of the lumbar canal stenosis, microsurgical, with the help of an operating microscope and, subsequently, the injection of cement in the compressed vertebral bodies. The maneuver was made with the help of thicker needles, called trocar needles, inserted through the skin.

The operation, which lasted four hours, was a real success, our patient being able to get out of bed just 2 days after the operation! After only four days, the patient went home on her feet and later returned to remove the wires. Also, Mrs. M. gave up the anti-inflammatory treatment and for the pain she was doing, because the pain that had tormented her for several months has completely disappeared!

If you have one or more of the symptoms listed above, do not delay your visit to the neurosurgeon! Don’t forget to make an appointment in advance at the phone number 021 9699, Call Center available 24/24, or using the online form on our website!”

Sursa: Sanadorlink știre>>

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